Saturday, October 14, 2006

Thanks to Nirav Shah

Can't forget to thank Nirav for setting up this blog so that we can share news and start posting some images as well. This has great potential.

Mid October Events

On Wed. October 18, Mr. Flinn will be conducting a workshop on portfolio preparation for college bound students in the art room 374, starting at 2:30. The workshop will focus on choosing works, photographing your work and preparing a digital portfolio to send to colleges with your application. The workshop will run until 3:15.

Also coming up is a solo exhibit of Maeve Doolan's art at the Woodbridge Library through November. The opening reception is Friday, Nov. 3 from 5 - 7 and it would be great to show support by stopping by, and a great opportunity to see many of Maeve's amazing pieces hung together.

Wednesday, October 04, 2006

yay, we have a site to post our pieces and from which to sell them.

to enter a piece into Amity's NAHS portfolio, bring the piece in to Mr. Flinn for review and photography.